Duct Defense Midwest Before & After Photos
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Very happy clean-up! - Randolph, NE
He cleaned up very well after himself and very happy overall with the work that was done
Duct Cleaning - Randolph, NE
This home was neat and tidy from the outside so we did not expect much from their ducts or vents. We only found a few cobwebs, dust and debris and it was an easy clean!
Duct Cleaning - Norfolk, NE
Theo and Tracey did a fabulous job getting these ducts cleaned up and sealed!
Duct Cleaning - Norfolk, NE
This client was a super nice guy and wanted to do something nice for his wife and kids. He scheduled a duct cleaning session as he does believes health is a wiser investment than a hospital bill. The cleaning process was quick since it was only a small home with easy access to all vents.
Duct Cleaning - Madison, NE
This was an old farmhouse that really needs cleaning through in and out! It was a tough one for our team as all vents were really dirty. We found out it has never been cleaned before. It was an easy fix!