Air Duct Cleaning Before & After Photos
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Duct Cleaning - Kingsley, IA
This client's HVAC system was pretty straightforward to clean but it was full of hair debris and dust bunnies. We have used our new Hypervac system which does the trick and customer was happy with the result!
What's in your ducts? - Bennington, NE
Josh went into this home and was able to get their ducts free and clear of all dust and debris! Way to go Josh!!
Duct Cleaning - Bennington, NE
This was a very simple duct system home layout. It was very easy to clean. It has not much dust compared to the age of the house. We just found some construction debris and we used our special roto brush for a quick clean!
Duct Cleaning - Bennington, NE
This was a client who is under our Shield Plan and wanted to get his annual maintenance for his HVAC system. It was a very straightforward system and we found a bunch of wax beads in the vents. Quite a colorful sight. The homeowner was pleased with the work!
Duct Cleaning - Bennington, NE
This client had a large home with 2 big dogs. Her entire home is set up with a flex duct system. We were able to investigate and saw there was a lot of dust and dirt build-up along with dog hair in the vents. They were a referral from our affiliate, Fish Window Cleaning. We were able to clean the duct system and she was every happy on the results!