Air Duct Cleaning Before & After Photos
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Duct Cleaning - Omaha, NE
This client hasn't had a duct cleaning service for more than 20 years and she realized it's about time to have her duct system cleaned as she has 2 dogs. The team came to her home and expected the dirt buildup along with the dust. Cleaning took a while but it's squeaky clean.
Duct Cleaning - Omaha, NE
This was split level home and had a lot of vents. The client had a furry dog at home so she did set expectations about the fur and dirt. Her dog was really friendly with and we didn't mind giving her attention whilst working. The client was very sensitive with her stuff as she had some vintage collectible cars and train sets which she is quite tired of dusting every now and then. We did advise her to have a regular cleaning so her home stays pet dander and allergen free!
Much Needed Duct Cleaning - Omaha, NE
The client had major respiratory issues that came out of nowhere and was diagnosed with COPD. This is the main reason she tries everything she can do to get her interior air safe and healthy. She is worried that it might worsen her situation. The client is really nice and very concerned about the people living with her too. She is confident that a duct cleaning service is a big contributor in getting her home's indoor air better.
Duct Cleaning - Omaha, NE
This client is really maintaining his duct system every since and he wanted to check his options with us. We have introduced Breathe EZ and UVC to him and wanted to consider using them for additional protection. He was a former employee so he really knows what's best. Job well done!
Duct Cleaning - Omaha, NE
This client was very concerned about his son's asthma as it keeps triggering regardless of their home being spot clean. Their friend suggested to book with Duct Defense Midwest for a deep air duct cleaning which will improve their home's indoor air quality. They were happy with the results.