Duct Defense Midwest Before & After Photos
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One Loyal Customer - Albert City, IA
This client has been getting our services for a long time now and is also a Shield member. Clearly satisfied with how our duct cleaning was done.
Dirty Ducts - Shenandoah, IA
Dust and debris wont slow Theo down. Great job on getting these ducts cleaned up for our customer!!
Duct Cleaning - Shenandoah, IA
This very client had no time to clean her home - most especially her ducts. She really made up time to make sure this appointment would go through. We did not make it difficult for her as we understand and are very flexible as much as we can. Her ducts weren't that dirty, just dusty. Outcome was great!
Duct Cleaning - Shenandoah, IA
This client and his family were super nice people. They did share their story that they would do everything to stay healthy and make their surroundings protected. After getting a radon mitigation system installed, they pursued in getting their ducts cleaned. It was a lot of dirt but was manageable!
Duct Cleaning Annual Maintenance - Oakland, IA
This client called us for his annual duct cleaning maintenance. He wants to make sure his indoor air is right on track as he is very meticulous about his health. The home was an old farmhouse with quite a lot of vents but has easy access. Easy clean-up!