Duct Defense Midwest Before & After Photos
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Duct Cleaning - Bee, NE
This homeowner opted for duct cleaning to boost their HVAC system's efficiency. The noticeable improvement in airflow, indoor smell, and reduced energy bills left them delighted with the service from Duct Defense Midwest. They mentioned they will start to have this done yearly.
Duct Cleaning - Seward, NE
This client called for a professional duct cleaning service because she wanted to have better indoor air quality since the previous owner was a chain smoker. She has dogs at home too -- one the main reasons she wants to keep her home safe. Her vent structures were pretty straightforward and the job was a success!
Duct Cleaning - Seward, NE
This very nice client was very interested in our duct cleaning service after we installed her radon mitigation system. She also requested to have her dryer vents cleaned. All of her vents were very accessible and plenty of room to access the main trunk lines. Easy job!
Duct Cleaning - Seward, NE
Concerned about indoor pollutants, these elderly couple chose professional duct cleaning by Duct Defense Midwest to improve their home's air quality. There was a musty odor upon entering the home and we figured that the vents needed some disinfectant and sanitation. The result was a significant reduction with the musty smell, providing relief for family members with respiratory issues.
Duct Cleaning - Seward, NE
This client had their radon mitigation installation done and we observed that his dryer vents were really dirty. We offered to check the status of his HVAC or duct system and we saw years of dirt piled up inside. They were having odor issues indoors so this must be a factor. We offered a duct cleaning service and the client agreed. He was very happy in the end upon seeing the before and after!