Duct Defense Midwest Before & After Photos
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Duct Cleaning - Bennington, NE
This was a client who is under our Shield Plan and wanted to get his annual maintenance for his HVAC system. It was a very straightforward system and we found a bunch of wax beads in the vents. Quite a colorful sight. The homeowner was pleased with the work!
Duct Cleaning - Bennington, NE
This client had a large home with 2 big dogs. Her entire home is set up with a flex duct system. We were able to investigate and saw there was a lot of dust and dirt build-up along with dog hair in the vents. They were a referral from our affiliate, Fish Window Cleaning. We were able to clean the duct system and she was every happy on the results!
Duct Cleaning - Bennington, NE
This lovely couple had a new home with large vent covers that needed care and cleaning. They had a lot of remodels done in the house and never had their duct cleaned. They set some expectations about the dirt build-up from the previous years and owners. It was not a dirty home and not to dusty HVAC system either. We were able to clean up well and they were happy with the results!
Duct Cleaning - Bennington, NE
Since energy bills are starting to rise, the home owner opted for dryer vent cleaning. We found a lot of dog food in the process -- which we think is the cause and not only enhanced the dryer's efficiency but also reduced the risk of high electricity consumption. The owner's decision not only saved money but also brought peace of mind.
Duct Cleaning - Bennington, NE
The client was nice enough to move their stuff away while doing the duct cleaning process so it would be easier for clean-up time. There was an easy access to the vents so it was a quick clean. The client was really happy to see the difference!